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[Getting Started] Receipt Setting (POS)

This article explains the receipt settings in the Point of Sale (POS).

iSeller Care avatar
Written by iSeller Care
Updated over 4 years ago

From previous article, you have learnt about tax settings. This article will now explain to you on layout settings of the receipt for Point of Sale (POS).

You can adjust the layout of the receipt to be printed. To do so, you need to select the Sales Channels menu and the Point of Sale sub-menu. At the bottom of the display, you will see the Receipt Templates panel, click the pen logo to change the existing display settings or click Add Receipt to add a new receipt. Please refer to the below print screen.

After you click the Add Receipt button or the pen logo, the Add Receipt Template panel will appear.

The following is the description of items which later on will appear on the receipt: 

  1. Store Logo: Store logo to display on receipt. Maximum File Size is 250 KB.

  2. Receipt Name: The file name of your receipt, to differentiate various receipt format. (Internal information only)

  3. Note: A description of the receipt. It will not appear in the actual receipt.

  4. Header Text: Company information in the form of text at the top of the receipt.

  5. Footer Text: Additional info in the form of text at the bottom of the receipt.

  6. Include Barcode: Once activated, the Order Reference Number information in barcode format will be printed on the actual receipt.

  7. Include Outlet Info: When activated, it will shows outlet information on the actual receipt.

  8. Hide Order Type: When activated, the order type will be hidden in the receipt. This option only appears in F&B and Express store types.

  9. Include Order Note: By enabling this option, order note will be printed in the receipt.

  10. Include Inclusive Tax Info: This feature linked with the Price Including Tax feature in the Tax Settings. When it is activated, it shows price information including taxes on the receipt.

Advance Customization 

Advanced Customization only affect the fix labels or caption in your receipt, such as Receipt No. Label, Waiter Label (for FnB), Subtotal Label, Total Label and Return Label.

Social Media Footer Customization

Social Media Footer Customization helps to promote your official social media web-page in the bottom of the receipt, such as  Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

After setting the receipt, you can start to manege the cash register at each outlet and cashier shift for your employees. Read the next step in the Register / Cashier (POS) Settings article.

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