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This add-on allows your customers to pay their products using a voucher code registered at your store.

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Written by iSeller Care
Updated over 4 years ago

It is not uncommon for businessmen to use vouchers as means of promoting goods and services. Aside from being a promotional tool, voucher has developed into a quite popular currency. Some people even make voucher as a gift to friends and loved ones. Due to its popularity, many sellers also give vouchers as tokens of loyalty from their customers. Voucher has become an effective marketing strategy and easy to implement.

In support of this culture, iSeller presents the Voucher add-on.

With Voucher, you can create your own voucher code, group it, and determine the validity period of the voucher. Furthermore, you can define various voucher terms and conditions for customers. You can also determine whether customers are allowed to use vouchers and promotions simultaneously.

To install this add-on, you can access it on from Apps > Browse as shown below.

After you install the add-on, you can learn more about grouping and creating voucher codes in the Introduction to Voucher article.

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