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Table Layout Settings

Learn about table plan settings, from adding table plans and changing table plans to POS.

iSeller Care avatar
Written by iSeller Care
Updated over 4 years ago

iSeller provides Food & Beverages store layout design features. With this feature, you can easily arrange orders according to the table that placed the order.

In addition, iSeller also provides a Merge / Split Table feature, which means you can easily combine or separate shopping receipts as needed and you can also Change Tables to avoid ordering errors.

In this article, we will explain how to add a look to a table plan according to your restaurant layout.

Access Table Layout Settings

To enter the table display settings, please enter the Settings menu and then the Table Layout sub-menu.

Table Layout Settings

Table Layout page is like the image below.

The following is an explanation of the information in the Table Layout Settings

  1. Outlets: Shows the outlets in your store whether the main outlet or other outlets. You can add new outlets / branches in the Outlet Settings.

  2. Outlet Information: Shows information in the form of a complete address, active telephone number, etc. on your outlet. To change this information please open the Outlet Settings page.

  3. Table Layouts: Displays the table layouts available at your outlet. In this section you can add, change, or delete table plans.

Adding Table Plans

Step 1: Click the Add Table Layout button

Step 2: Determine the code of the table you want to add (in this example the code adds a table with MJ and the shape of the table box with medium size)

Step 3: You can also change the code of the table and the number of chairs at the table by clicking the table code or the number of chairs as we have indicated below

To increase or decrease the size of the table, you can draw a line in the blue part.

Step 4

After you finish setting the table display, click the Save button in the lower right corner of your screen.

Change the Table Plan

To change the appearance of the table, please click the pen icon to the right of the table name.

Next, you will see a table view as follows.

Here is some information about the table view page.

  • Name: The name used to display the tables that are on your outlet. The name will appear in the table list when you use the POS iSeller application.

  • Description: Additional description for the floor plan you are making.

  • Floor Plan Size: The display size for the table display on your outlet. Available in sizes 4: 3 (600px * 450px) or 16: 9 (800px * 450px). You can use this size to design the background of your floor plan to be more beautiful.

  • Prefix: Initial code to make it easier for you to read the table name.

  • Square Tables: Square tables that you can add in small, medium or large sizes.

  • Round Table: Circular table that you can add in small, medium, or large sizes.

  • Set Background: You can upload a restaurant floor plan so that it looks like a floor plan.

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