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This article will explain the steps to make an approval on the stock taking.

iSeller Care avatar
Written by iSeller Care
Updated over 4 years ago

Before making an agreement, make sure the counted stock is complete. Users who can perform counted stock are users who have access to manage inventory, read more about the limitations of web admin access to learn user access rights.

To approve the product calculation please follow the steps below.

Step 1

Please click the Approve button in the top right-hand corner of your screen.

Step 2

After that a new form will appear as shown below.

Please select Outlets and Group to filter the stock controls calculations that you want to approve.

Step 3

After you have chosen Outlets and Group, the list of stock control will appear in the column we have marked as below.

The list of stock control that will appear in the column is the stock control that are awaiting approval. For the name of the stock controls whose status is Pending will not appear in the list of stock control that will be approved.

Step 4

After you have chosen the list of stock names that you want to approve, please click the Proceed button, then a new form will appear as shown below.

There are 2 choices to see the stock of goods that have been marked completed / waiting for calculation, namely:

  • Counted: Products that have been counted by the group that are set on counted stock. You can review whether the counted stock is in accordance with what you want and then approve it.

  • Uncounted: You can also finalize products that are not counted on the iSeller system.


On the Counted tab, a General form appears containing the details of the selected inventory. You can approve all counted products done by clicking the Approve All button.

  • Product: Product that is counted in the stock controls.

  • Expected: The number of items counted on the iSeller system.

  • Counted: The number of items counted by the Counters in your store warehouse.

  • Submitted by: The user who created the stock controls.

  • Final: In this column you as the approver can change the desired amount of stock but if the approver has agreed to the stock amount then it does not need to be changed.

  • Result: The final result will display different data according to the Stock Amount entered.

Here are some case display results for Result:

  • If the final is the same as counted

  • If the final is more than counted

  • If the final is less than counted

  • Note: You can add special notes to this stock controls if the counted stock is not the same as the desired ending stock.


On the Uncounted tab, all products will appear in your store, except for products that have been counted in stock inventory.

On this page you can change all of your product stock to 0 by clicking Set all uncounted products (Final) stock to zero. If you only want to change some products, please check one by one and then there is the Set Zero option.

If you reject the inventory, please click Reject and the stock will be saved on the Completed tab with the Rejected status.

If you agree to the stock controls, please click Approve then the stock controls will be saved on the Completed tab with the Approved status as shown below.

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