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Date Range (Price Book)

Learn how to set the time range where the Price Book can be used.

Written by Cheah
Updated over a week ago

In this article you will learn how to apply the validity period of a Price Books that was created, from the date when it starts to be effective and when the Price Book is terminated.

Set the Price Book Date Range to Apply

In this panel, you will set information in relation to the start date of the Price Book.

If you activate the No Expiry option, the Price Book you make will be valid forever until the Price Book is deleted or has an Inactive status.

If the No Expiry option is turned off, then you can specify the validity period when the Price Book will expire.

This column allows you to specify the date on which the Price Book will end.

Determining the Price Book Day Occurs

You can also specify the Price Book that applies to a particular day by selecting your desired day.

Specifies the Applicable Price Book Range of Times

You can also specify when the Price Book is valid. Select "Add More Time" and you will find the time setting when the Price Book is valid in the selected day.

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