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Order List

This article explains the order list in iSeller Admin App, from searching for orders, filtering orders, to order details.

iSeller Care avatar
Written by iSeller Care
Updated over 4 years ago

This article explains the order list display on the iSeller Admin App. To access the order list, please tap the three-line logo then tap the Orders menu.

In the Orders screen, you can see like the image below.

Searching for Specific Orders

To find a specific order, tap the magnifying glass logo then enter the reference number of the order you want to search.

Filter Orders

You can filter the order list by tapping Filter at the top right corner.

There are three filters options available.

Following are explanations for each filter.


Filter the order list based on status of the order.

The order status is categorized into 7 classifications, namely:

  • All: Display all orders regardless of status.

  • Void: Display void (cancelled) orders only.

  • Fulfill: Display orders that had been fully fulfilled (Fulfill status).

  • Partial Fulfill: Display orders that is only partially fulfilled (Partial Fulfill status).

  • Not Fulfill: Display orders that has not been fulfill at all (Not Fulfill status).

  • Paid: Display order with Paid status.

  • Partial Paid: Display orders that is partially paid (Partial Paid status).


Filtering the order list based on the time period the order occurred.

There are 6 period available to choose from, namely:

  • Today: Filter the order lists based on orders recorded today.

  • Last 7 days: Filter the order list based on orders recorded in the last 7 days.

  • Last 14 days: Filter the order list based on orders recorded in the last 14 days.

  • Last 30 days: Filter the order list based on orders recorded in the last 30 days.

  • Last 3 months: Filter the order list based on orders recorded in the last 3 months.

  • Last 6 months: Filter the order list based on orders recorded in the last 6 months.


Filtering the order list based on sales channels.

Three sales channel is available, namely:

  • All: Display all order lists regardless of sales channel.

  • POS: Display only orders made in POS sales channel.

  • Web: Display only orders made in Web sales channel.

Order Detail Information

You can tap on any of the listed order to check for more information about that order.

In INFORMATION tab, you can see general information of the order, such as reference number, date of order, cashier who served the sales, order status, outlet of the order took place, and also the device which the order was placed.
In DETAILS tab, you can see more detailed information of the order.

The picture above shows you the screen in DETAILS. You can see all items sold in this order, product price, quantity sold, and also discounts applied.

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