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This article will explain the features found in the main menu in the iSeller Admin App.

iSeller Care avatar
Written by iSeller Care
Updated over 4 years ago

Dashboard is a display view showing the sales information from your iSeller store. On dashboard, you can see the amount of net sales and gross sales in the period of Day / Week / Month / 3 Months. You can also get a quick view on what are the top and best selling products in your store.

To access the dashboard, simply tap the navigation menu button, and select Dashboard.

Dashboard View

In the dashboard view, you can see sales performance of your iSeller store. Gross Sales refers to the gross sales amount in the specific period of your iSeller store. Net Sales refer to the net sales amount for the same period. Net sales amount include discounts, promotions, and refund into calculation.

The dashboard also tells you which products have the highest sales. Best Selling Products are the products your customers buy the most in monthly sales. Whereas Top Product By Sales are the products that your customers buy the most in the selected sales period (Day / Week / Month / 3 Month).

You can change Dashboard display period, there are four options available namely:

  • Day: Dashboard display a summary of sale for current day.

  • Week: Dashboard display a summary of sales for the previous week.

  • Month: Dashboard display a summary of sales for the previous month.

  • 3 Month: Dashboard display a summary of sales for the past three months

The appearance of the Dashboard will change when you are based on the sales period you selected.

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