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Order Refund (POS)

This article will explain how to do a customer refund for a product that has been ordered at the POS.

Written by Cheah
Updated over a week ago

Refunds order / refund on POS are used when the customer wishes to issue a refund for the goods received.

Refunds via POS

To return an order at the POS, please click the Orders menu. Then choose one of the orders you want to refund.

Please select the icon that we have marked as shown below.

Select Refund, then a new page will appear in the form of a list of selected items that you want to refund as shown below.

After selecting the item you want to refund, click the OK button, then the refund method will appear.

After you have chosen the refund method that you want to use, click the OK button, then after that information will appear in the form of confirmation of the funds you want to return.

If you have made a refund then the status of the previously selected order will change to Refunded.

Refunds via iSeller Web-Admin

You can also make a refund through the iSeller web-admin. For a refund on the iSeller web-admin, please click the order module then open the list of orders that have been refunded and then click the Refund button.

After you click the Refund button, a new form will appear to fill in some information about the refund, such as the number of items returned, the amount of funds returned, the reason for the return, and choosing a return method.

After you have filled out all information regarding withdrawal of funds, please click the Refund button to approve the refund to the customer.

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